HistoryExtra announce 30 under 30 winners

Thursday 25 July 2024 

HistoryExtra, the official website of BBC History Magazine, and historian, presenter and author Alice Loxton today (Thursday 25 July) announced the results of their search for the next generation of history makers.

The winners include early career archaeologists, genealogists, curators and tour guides, as well as content creators, podcasters and YouTubers, between the ages of 18 to 30.
Young people aged between 18 and 30 working in the realm of history and heritage – anything from academia or hands-on practicing a heritage craft, were asked to put themselves forward for HistoryExtra’s prestigious 30 under 30 accolade who were then judged by an expert panel.

“Thank you so much for everyone who entered HistoryExtra’s 30 under 30 competition. It was incredibly inspiring to see so many of the entries, and to uncover the work of so many young people sharing their passion for history, in so many surprising and innovative ways. We were spoilt for choice with the entries, but I’m confident that our final 30 are a brilliant bunch.

This is the new generation of history writers, presenters, creators and educators. These are the ones to watch: people who will forge how history is presented and practiced in the coming decades. I’m delighted this competition has been able to shine a light on their work, and can’t wait to see their careers and passion for history unfold and blossom in years to come.”

Alice Loxton, Historian and Chair of the judging panel

Headshot of Alice Loxton, History Extra

“It was an honour to be part of the judging panel for HistoryExtra’s ‘30 under 30’ competition. Together, those in our shortlist show that history can be enjoyed in so many ways – and don’t they do it brilliantly! Whether creating online content or setting up a local exhibition, everyone is making fascinating, and vital, contributions to the history space across the country. I can’t wait to see what they do with their careers moving forward.”

Lauren Good, Digital Content Producer, HistoryExtra

Headshot of Lauren Good, Digital Content Producer for HistoryExtra

For the full list of winners, their profiles and more information about the HistoryExtra 30 under 30 go to www.HistoryExtra.com